We are very proud of our school uniform and believe that children like wearing it. We believe that it supports both equality and behaviour.
Any branded school uniform items can be bought from Braggs in North Finchley, however many items on our school uniform list are generic and can be bought from supermarkets or online.
We just ask that the shade of red is the same shade as the items with a logo.
Our PTA also run regular second hand uniform sales where items can be purchased for a very reasonable cost.
We do ask parents to donate uniform to the PTA if their child outgrows it and in this way items can be passed on to other families. It is a good way to recycle and reuse uniform items that are in perfectly good condition.
Here are some pictures of our uniform:
Nursery and Reception Classes
- Grey jogging bottoms (generic)
- Holly Park School red polo shirt (there is choice from either the branded item or a generic red one)
- Holly Park School red sweatshirt (there is choice from either the branded item or a generic red one)
- Black shoes (Velcro or secure slip-on shoes)
Reception to Year 6
- Grey skirt or pinafore or trousers (not tracksuit bottoms or jeans) (generic)
- Holly Park School red polo shirt (there is choice from either the branded item or a generic red one)
- Holly Park School red sweatshirt (there is choice from either the branded item or a generic red one)
- Red cardigan (generic)
- Red or grey tights or grey or white socks
- Black shoes (maximum heel height 3cm) No trainers
- Black boots (maximum heel height 3cm)
- Red, green, white or black hair accessories optional
- School fleece (optional and for outdoor use only)
- As winter or:
- Green and white checked dress (optional and generic)
- Grey shorts (generic)
- Red cardigan (generic)
- White socks
- Black shoes (maximum heel height 3cm) No trainers
- White or black sandals with secure fastening (maximum heel height 3cm)
- Red, green, white or black hair accessories (optional)
- School green fleece (optional)
- A cap to protect from sun
*No other items of clothing should be visible under the red polo shirt. If a child is cold they should wear a short sleeved vest and their sweatshirt on top:
PE Kit Reception
- Red shorts (generic)
- Plain white T-shirt (generic or branded)
- Outdoor kit of dark green jogging trousers and top (needed from October half term)
PE Kit Y1 to Y6
- Red shorts (generic)
- Plain white T-shirt (generic or branded)
- Plain white trainers
- Outdoor kit of dark green jogging trousers and top
Concert Uniform (for members of school choirs)
- Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers
- Plain white shirt
- School tie (branded from the uniform shop)
Here is our Uniform policy
Children also need a red book bag

Jewellery should not be worn to school. Stud earrings or jewellery with religious significance only is permitted.
All clothing and footwear should be clearly labelled with the child’s name,
The only badges permitted to wear at school on school uniform are badges given out by the school e.g Council badges and birthday badges if children want to wear these on the day of their birthday. No other badges should be worn to school.
It is encouraged that pupils do not wear jewellery to school, especially as individuals become very upset if a treasured piece of jewellery goes missing. The only acceptable items of jewellery to be worn are a wristwatch and earring studs or jewellery of a religious significance. Should a pupil have pierced ears, plain studs should only be worn. Please note that the school will be unable to take any responsibility for any jewellery that is lost.
Make Up
No make up is to be worn to school as it is not considered appropriate or consistent with our school uniform. No nail varnish should be worn on nails or toes.
Nail extensions, tips, gels or other products should not be worn. Nail extensions could be dangerous and are also not conducive to good handwriting or playing sport.
We recommend that hair should be neat and tidy and worn with no extremes of style or colour.
Long hair should be tied back during the school day.
The hijab may be worn by Muslim girls if this is their parents choice. The hijab must follow the school uniform colours and be red, green, white or black. It must be no longer than shoulder length.
Holly Park branded uniform is available from:
Braggs School Outfitters, www.braggsschoolwear.co.uk
341 Ballards Lane,
North Finchley N12 8LJ
Tel: 020 8445 3945 (about 50 metres from the Post Office)
Lost Property
We ask that all parents ensure that school uniform is named so that if it is lost we can attempt to get it back to the right child. Any lost property that is found is placed in the lost property box in the playground so that parents and children can access it easily. The lost property box is emptied and sorted at the end of every half term. Named items are returned to children.
We would encourage parents to support their child to look after their belongings. The school will always do our best to look for lost items however the school is not responsible for lost items on the school site.
In terms of lost school uniform, the school cannot be held responsible for any lost property. The school cannot pay any kind of compensation for any item of clothing (including shoes, glasses, coats, lunch boxes, mobile phones etc) that goes missing.